man (the cat)

   I've been w/this cat since the early 80s. I call him the man. I used to call him boy when he was young but now he's just man or the man. he's very special to me, quite a friend.

   all of my tour shirts since the early fIREHOSE days have had renderings of the man on them. nanette roeland (born and lives in pedro) has done all of these and has now given me drawings of interpretations she's made of the man for display here.

drawing of the man by nanette roeland

drawing of the man by nanette roeland

drawing of the man by nanette roeland

drawing of the man by nanette roeland

drawing of the man by nanette roeland

drawing of the man by nanette roeland

drawing of the man by nanette roeland

shot of the man in 1997

actual photo of the man
taken at watt's pad in pedro

loop back to mike watt's hoot gallery

this page created 7 jul 97