meltzer lyrics for planned minutemen collaboration

   I thought these were gone forever! then yesterday I somehow accidentally discovered them somewhere amidst all my crap in my pad: the actual lyrics richard meltzer gave me for the planned collaboration between him and the minutemen. this was in december of 1985 and I immediately made copies and gave them to d. boon so we could both come up w/music to go w/them. in fact, I gave them to him right before he left for what turned out to be the trip which would be his last, he had them w/him in the van. we were so excited to do this proj w/richard, it was like a dream come true.

   each of these scans is from its own separate paper he gave me but I cropped around the writing to make his words easier to read here...

meltzer lyrics for planned minutemen collaboration - cover letter

meltzer lyrics for planned minutemen collaboration - lyric 01

meltzer lyrics for planned minutemen collaboration - lyric 02a

meltzer lyrics for planned minutemen collaboration - lyric 02b

meltzer lyrics for planned minutemen collaboration - lyric 03

meltzer lyrics for planned minutemen collaboration - lyric 04

meltzer lyrics for planned minutemen collaboration - lyric 05

meltzer lyrics for planned minutemen collaboration - lyric 06

meltzer lyrics for planned minutemen collaboration - lyric 07

meltzer lyrics for planned minutemen collaboration - lyric 09

meltzer lyrics for planned minutemen collaboration - lyric 10

   as you can see, all but one of theses made it to the spielgusher album though there were some small changes here and there. please note that I didn't come up w/the spielgusher name for the proj 'til 2004 which is when richard began recording his spiels up in portland - at the time he gave us these, of course he was living in los angeles. you also might notice there's no "lyric 08" and that's cuz I didn't find it - can't remember if there actually was one or not (my fucking memory) so sorry about that. richard had numbered all these so that's why I think there was one cuz there's a six and then there's seven - right up to ten but no eight. fuck. anyway, on "person who's dead (for peter ivers)" you can see some handwriting there - I recognize it as my own and I guess I was coming up w/some chords for here. sorry I fouled that page up some.

   man, it was a fucking trip to see these again after so many years...

this page created 09 feb 12