mike watt , pete mazich and jerry trebotic
(left to right)
this tour is the final shake-down run for the songs for the illness piece, "the secondman's middle stand" - me and the secondmen are going to record it here in pedro at karma stuido a month after we get done rolling through these gigs. it should be in the stores by october. tourwise, it's the second time around w/pete and the third time w/jer but this time we're bringing the hammond b-3 organ so you folks can hear it like it supposed to sound - no synth kludge proxy like last tour. jer will be pounding his same drum kit as before but w/beefed-up kickdrum pedals, courtesy of pete. unfortunately, pete again can't do the whole tour due to commitments here in pedro but he can do the first six weeks. starting w/the hamtramack gig, paul roessler (me and him used to have a keyboard/bass duet called crimony in the late 80s) will play pete's organ for the final fifteen gigs. thank you, paul. hell - thank you pete and jer too! I've been very blessed to play w/some righteous peeps all down the years and am most grateful. by having paul aboard, it'll be a sortasecondmen thing and not a completely different band like last time when tom came to our rescue.
last tour we did the first three tunes from my illness piece. this time we will do the whole thing. the piece concerns the hellride the illness took me on starting january 25, 2000 and lasted for many months including thirtyeight days of intense fever, violent tremors, bone-shaking chills, constant vomiting, losing almost all my red blood celss, an infection growing inside me like a baby that eventually exploded, almost dying, emergency surgery and long painful recovery. a favorite book of mine as a teenager, dante's "divine comedy" loosely parallels my piece cuz it was much on my mind during all this. of course, it read much different so many years later in my middle forties than it did as a boy but the same inspiring feelings I got to plumb what was really on my mind in those days made just as much sense to me now, if even more so. you must remember dante was in his forties when he wrote his epic. I've read many translations (dante wrote in his native italian, bucking the convention of that day to write in latin) but here's an iteresting prose version by a.s. kline of the the comedy. dante actually wrote his piece in a poetic form he invented called terza rima (tertiary rhyme: aba/bcb/cdc) - threes dominate throughout. how more fitting for a powertrio from pedro? I've been inspired to organize the music along similiar lines w/some sick sixs and builder fives/sevens too. of course, three squared is nine so... anyway, it's not all about numbers - that sickness took a lot from me so I thought I should be able to take something back in return.
what better day to start a tour than on d. boon's birthday (april first)? he is much on mind these days as I attempt to come to grips w/the current mood. many times I find myself thinking "what would d. boon say" or "what would d. boon do" when I see some of the insane things going down in the name of whatever. such an intense war for our minds, people! thank god I can still pedal my bike and pluck my bass - much respect for folks w/free enough thinking to let me and my guys roll through your towns and come play for you. it is very, very kind of you all and I thank you much. I promise to wrestle my fucking brains out on the bass to the best of my abilities - you cats (and my guys) deserve nothing less.

all flyers are: 8-bit grayscale flat
compuserve gif files, 2400x3300
pixels (8.00x11.00 inches) @ 300.00
pixels/inch, written by photoshop 6.0
each file is around 133kb in size
folks, you can help watt get the word out about this next tour!
there's a link to each gig's corresponding flyer to the right of the venue phone number. click that and then save the gif file to your hard disk after it loads. it's at 300 dpi so it'll print good but you probably won't see a whole lot of it at once - it'll look really close up w/your web browser. that's ok cuz you want to print it out anyway and put them around town where people can get an eyeful and know when watt and his secondmen are coming to town. load it up into photoshop or some app that can print 300 dpi graphics (jpegview for the mac is a good free one - apple's quicktime's pictureviewer prints them out lame. for the pc, thanks to tim schiebel for recommending irfanview). print to a 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. make lots of copies from a pad that prints things up (cheaper than the expensive printer ink you have). thank you much, truly!
read the tour diary!
"the cord that spun its own top" tour 2003
tue, april 1 - old ironsides, 1901 10th st., sacramento, ca - (916) 443-9751 - tour flyer
wed, april 2 - w.o.w. hall, 291 w. 8th av., eugene, or - (541) 687-2746
thur, april 3 - blackbird, 3723 ne sandy bl., portland, or - (503) 282-9949
fri, april 4 - crocodile cafe, 2200 2nd av., seattle, wa - (206) 448-2114
sat, april 5 - picadilly pub, 620 w. pender, vancouver, b.c., canada - (604) 682-3221
sun, april 6 - b-side, 230 w. riverside, spokane, wa - (509) 624-7638
mon, april 7 - neurolux, 111 n. 11th st., boise, id - (208) 343-0886
tue, april 8 - liquid joe's, 1250 e. 3300 south, salt lake city, ut - (801) 467-5637
wed, april 9 - fox theatre, 1135 13th st., boulder, co - (303) 447-0095
thur, april 10 - paramount, 331 sandoval, sante fe, nm - (505) 982-8999
fri, april 11 - brewster's, 715 s. polk st., amarillo, tx - (806) 342-0682
sat, april 12 - club clearview, 2528 elm st., dallas, tx - (214) 939-0077
sun, april 13 - stubb's bar-b-q, 801 red river rd., austin, tx - (512) 480-8341
mon, april 14 - rudyard's, 2010 waugh dr., houston, tx - (713) 529-3984
tue, april 15 - parish @ h.o.b., 225 decatur, new orleans, la - (504) 529-2624
wed, april 16 - handlebar, 319 n. tarragona st., pensacola , fl - (850) 434-9060
thur, april 17 - beta bar, 809 railroad av., tallahasse, fl - (850) 425-2697
fri, april 18 - orpheum, 1902 republica de cuba, ybor city, fl - (941) 504-0283
sat, april 19 - the social, 54 n. orange, orlando, fl - (407) 246-1599
sun, april 20 - jack rabbits, 1528 hendricks av., jacksonville, fl - (904) 398-7496
mon, april 21 - cumberland's, 26 cumberland st., charleston, sc - (843) 577-9469
tue, april 22 - senate park, 931-b senate st., columbia, sc - (803) 254-3302
wed, april 23 - 40 watt club, 285 w. washington st., athens, ga - (706) 549-7871
thur, april 24 - hi-tone, 1913 poplar av., memphis, tn - (901) 278-8663
mon, april 28 - cats cradle, 300 e. main st., carrboro, nc - (919) 967-9053
tue, april 29 - poe's pub, 2706 e. main st., richmond, va - (804) 648-2120
wed, april 30 - black cat, 1811 14th st., washington dc - (202) 667-4527
thur, may 1 - ottobar, 2549 n. howard st., baltimore, md - (410) 662-0069
fri, may 2 - the kyber, 56 s. 2nd st., philadelphia, pa - (215) 238-5888
sat, may 3 - northsix, 66 n. 6th st., brooklyn, ny - (718) 599-5103
sun, may 4 - mercury lounge, 217 e. houston st., new york, ny - (212) 260-4700
mon, may 5 - maxwell's, 1039 washington st., hoboken, nj - (201) 798-0406
tue, may 6 - valentine's, 17 new scotland av., albany, ny - (518) 432-6572
wed, may 7 - iron horse music hall, 20 center st., northampton, ma - (413) 584-0610
thur, may 8 - t.t. the bear's, 10 brookline st., cambridge, ma - (617) 492-0082
fri, may 9 - the met, 130 union st., providence, ri - (401) 861-2142>
sat, may 10 - higher ground, 1 main st., burlington, vt - (802) 654-8888
sun, may 11 - la sala rosa, 4848 st. laurent, montreal, p.q., canada - (512) 284-3804
mon, may 12 - legendary horseshoe tavern, 370 queen st. w, toronto, ont., canada - (416) 598-4226
tue, may 13 - small's, 10339 conant, hamtramck, mi - (313) 873-1117
wed, may 14 - grog shop, 1765 coventry rd., cleveland heights, oh - (216) 321-5588
thur, may 15 - 123 pleasant street, 123 pleasant st., morgantown, wv - (304) 292-0800
fri, may 16 - little brother's, 1100 n. high st., columbus, oh - (614) 421-2032
sat, may 17 - double door, 1572 milwaukee, chicago, il - (312) 489-3160
sun, may 18 - the annex, 1206 regent st., madison, wi - (608) 256-7750
mon, may 19 - shank hall, 1434 n. farwell av., milwaukee, wi - (414) 276-7288
tue, may 20 - 7th street entry, 701 1st av. north, minneapolis, mn - (612) 338-8407
wed, may 21 - the turf club, 1601 university av., st. paul, mn - (612) 647-0486
thur, may 22 - gabe's oasis, 330 e. washington, iowa city, ia - (319) 354-4788
fri, may 23 - sokol underground, 2234 s. 13th st., omaha, ne - (402) 346-9802
sat, may 24 - the bottleneck, 737 new hampshire, lawerence, ks - (785) 842-5483
sun, may 25 - vzd, 4200 n. western av., oklahoma city, ok - (405) 524-4203
tue, may 27 - launchpad, 618 central av. sw, albuquerque, nm - (505) 764-8887
wed, may 28 - hollywood alley, 2610 w. baseline rd., mesa, az - (480) 820-7117
as of march 6, 2003
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