hey, you can hear the watt from pedro show via the good folks at sightworks right now featuring 700-plus shows since his return to the airwaves (via the net) back on may 19, 2001 (before that he had a segment on friday nights for two years at the infamous kblt up in silver lake, hence the name of his show) - live from the wild kingdom and assisted by brother matt (who also throws some spunnery on the brother matt's spin cycle segment about half the way through the show). to dig on all this, just go to http://twfps.com/ and hear the latest show as well as being able to check out an archive of all past episodes when you scroll down. some folks are talking about the show here but please understand watt has never and never will use that "p word" - his show is an internet show, period!
now available: twfps app (ios version here and android version here) to help make it easier for you to hear the watt from pedro show from your leash or tablet!

shots of "the watt from pedro show" return - may 19, 2001
brother matt (w/hat) and watt (w/flannel)
endless thank yous to the very happening crew at sightworks for all their help!
loop back to mike watt's hoot page