from mike baggetta:
"BIG EGO Records is putting out the 3rd mssv studio album On And On March 7, 2025! So to celebrate that music coming forth into the world we are getting back in The Boat and hitting a lot of towns in the US and, after that, some towns in the UK and Ireland for the very first time. I love bringing this music to life for everybody at the shows with hodges and watt every night. I tell people that ask what it's like to play in this band that it's kind of like hot wiring a car you built, putting a brick on the gas pedal and then hopping on top and holding on til the end of the ride. These guys are truly daring and adventurous and live the music on their sleeves every night, I can't help but be inspired to do the same. I've always done my best learning by doing and I have no shortage of opportunities here with them. I'm always thankful for all of them.
"A good thing about a band that gets to play together a lot is that you get to know each other's sounds and maybe even get some idea of what each other is capable of doing, choices we might make, the ways we change and evolve over the years, and ways to challenge each other musically, for the better. Another good thing about some bands, like mssv I think, is that we all get to be involved in a bunch of other music projects too. And that is cool because every different musical experience, well every experience in life too, not just music, feeds into influencing you with what you learned by doing that new proj, so that you can bring it back to the other musical proj (or life choice). All those new ideas, filtered through each person's aesthetic, then give your other bandmates new ideas on how to play and relate to the music and each other with everybody else, and give birth to all kinds of new musical ideas. That's how bands evolve I think... well, the one's that evolve anyways.
"Since the last mssv tour (Aki Tour 2023) I know that the 3 of us, me and hodges and watt, all have had a bunch of different types of musical experiences that are different from the music that I put together for us up until then, and I know that that is gonna influence this next batch of music. We'll play music from the new album On And On of course, but I also am cooking up a new batch of songs that are gonna be a little different from some of the stuff we've done before because of all that. I'm excited to hear it come together every night with all of you. See y'all out there real soon!"

(click here for tour flyer)
"haru tour 2025"
thu, mar 13 at the sardine
1101 s pacific av, san pedro, ca
san pedro, ca
fri, mar 14 at the wayfarer
843 w 19th st
costa mesa, ca
sat, mar 15 at the giant rock meeting room
1131 old woman springs rd, yucca valley, ca
yucca valley, ca
sun, mar 16 at cibo
603 n 5th av
phoenix, az
mon, mar 17 at whiskey creek zocalo
11786 hwy 180 east
silver city, nm
tue, 18 at the guild cinema
3405 central av ne
albuquerque, nm
wed, mar 19 at the guild cinema
3405 central av ne
albuquerque, nm
thu, mar 20 at co-opt research + projects
4202 boston av
lubbock, tx
fri, mar 21 at resonant head
400 sw 25th st, ste a
oklahoma city, ok
sat, mar 22 at the wild detectives
314 w eighth st
dallas, tx

sun, mar 23 at the corn pound
6336 montgomery dr
san antonio, tx
mon, mar 24 at the continental club
3714 main st
houston, tx
tue, mar 25 at mid city ballroom
136 s acadian thruway
baton rouge, la
wed, mar 26 at the end of all music
3011 n state st
jackson, ms
thu, mar 27 at saturn
200 41st st s
birmingham, al
fri, mar 28 at the bark
507 all saints st
tallahassee, fl
sat, mar 29 at will's pub
1042 n mills av
orlando, fl
sun, mar 30 at loosey's
120 sw 1st av
gainesville, fl
mon, mar 31 at el rocko lounge
117 whitaker st
savannah, ga
tue, apr 1 at snug harbor
1228 gordon st
charlotte, nc
wed, apr 2 at flat iron
221 summit av
greensboro, nc
thu, apr 3 at pearl street warehouse
33 pearl st sw
washington dc
fri, apr 4 at solar myth
1131 s broad st
philadelphia, pa
sat, apr 5 at tubby's
586 broadway
kingston, ny
sun, apr 6 at the mercury lounge
217 e houston st
new york, ny
mon, apr 7 at myrtle
134 waterman av
east providence, ri
tue, apr 8 at nova arts
48 emerald st
keene, nh
wed, apr 9 at the monkey house
30 main st
winooski, vt
thu, apr 10 at angry mom records
115 the commons
ithaca, ny
fri, apr 11 at the lounge at revolution gallery
1419 hertel av
buffalo, ny
sat, apr 12 at the funhouse at mr smalls
400 lincoln av, 2nd floor
millvale, pa
sun, apr 13 at the beachland tavern
15711 waterloo rd
cleveland, oh
mon, apr 14 at ace of cups
2619 n high st
columbus, oh
tue, apr 15 at the state street pub
243 n state av
indianapolis, in
wed, apr 16 at the hideout
1354 w wabansia av
chicago, il
thu, apr 17 at gamma ray bar
121 w main s
madison, wi
fri, apr 18 at the turf club
1601 university av w
saint paul, mn
sat, apr 19 at gabe's
330 e washington st
iowa city, ia
sun, apr 20 at the recordbar
1520 grand bl
kansas city, mo
mon, apr 21 at the reverb lounge
6121 military av
omaha, ne
tue, apr 22 at the fisch haus
524 s commerce st
wichita, ks
wed, apr 23 at chelsea's
10 mountain st
eureka springs, ar
thu, apr 24 at the venue shrine
112 e 18th st
tulsa, ok
fri, apr 25 at the golden light cantina
2906 sw 6th av
amarillo, tx
sat, apr 26 at cocoon
1800 2nd street. santa fe
santa fe, nm
sun, apr 27 at the orpheum theater
15 w aspen av
flagstaff, az
mon, apr 28 at the griffin
511 fremont st
las vegas, nv
tue, apr 29 at bakersfield sound co.
10715 rosedale hwy
bakersfield, ca
wed, apr 30 at the torch club
904 15th st, sacramento, ca
sacramento, ca
thu, may 1 at the miniplex
900 samoa bl, arcata, ca
arcata, ca
fri, may 2 at bottom of the hill
1233 17th st
san francisco, ca
sat, may 3 at zebulon
2478 fletcher dr, silver lake, ca
los angeles, ca
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